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Rupi Kaur's Healing Through Words: Finding Solace in Poetry and Art

Cause love knows life has been hard enough already. Rupi kaur Healing through words
Original art by Author

If I knew what

safety looked like

I would have spent

less time falling into

arms that were not

Milk and Honey. Page 21

From Grief and Loneliness to Creative Expression and Self-Discovery

Have you ever felt the suffocating weight of grief and loneliness, a shadow that lingers even as you change your surroundings? 

For me, it was a persistent companion, following me across continents. 

Even in the vibrant heart of Istanbul, with its sun-drenched days and breath-taking views, the darkness within remained.

Sunlight and Shadows: The Istanbul Paradox

From my 12th-floor apartment, I witnessed Istanbul's vibrant far stretched views. 

The sun's golden rays painted the sky, reflecting off the shimmering greens and rich pink feathers of pigeons tended to by two old men on a neighbouring rooftop. 

The sun's warmth, seeped through my curtains even as I tried to block it out. 

I sought solace in long walks under the June sun, the wind playing with my hair, the cobblestone streets beneath my feet. But the relief was fleeting. 

The grief remained, an oppressive force that drowned out any glimmer of joy.

The Whispers of My Body: A Call to Healing Through Words

I was losing to life – crying, venting, chanting, praying, sleepless nights, music. 

I even collapsed onto the floor in surrender, hoping to shake off the weight. But it was only when I finally listened to the whispers of my body that a shift occurred.

My body, a wise and patient companion, had been guiding me all along. It was calling for me to simply be – to pause, feel, trust in the Higher Power and let go. 

Teach the child first the bodily ecstasy.
Let him dance as totally as possible, so he can have a feel of his own body. There are millions of people who don’t have any feel of their own body.
They use the body just like a mechanical device around them, but they don’t have a feel for it. They live in the body, but they are not bridged with the body. They don’t know the joys of the body. OSHO

In this surrender, the process of unburdening began. 

Rupi Kaur's Words: A Guiding Light in the Dark

Healing Through Words, a book by Rupi Kaur travelled with me from Lahore to Istanbul, becoming my healer in 2023. 

Rupi Kaur's raw, honest poetry,  in her book "Healing Through Words," resonated with a power that transcended language. 

Her verses, filled with vulnerability and strength, spoke directly to my soul.

For the first time I felt ok to feel what I was feeling. My feelings were not denied by indifference, instead validated. I felt alive and seen doing the exercises given in the book.

In a world that often feels harsh and uncaring, Rupi Kaur's words reminded me that "only women can save women."

Her poetry didn't just describe my pain; it created a safe space for me to explore and express it. 

It was a reminder that healing was possible.

Intuitive Art: A Visual Ode to Rupi Kaur's Poetry

Rupi kaur poetry healing through words
Original Art by Author

After the tears, free writing and the music, a quiet space emerged within me. 

The Free writing exercise didn't merely describe my pain; it created a space for it to transform. 

I took deep breaths, ready to step back into my own body. 

Intuitive drawings flowed from my hand, each stroke a visual echo of Rupi's words. 

They weren't planned or perfected; they were a raw, unfiltered expression of my healing journey.

Each stroke was a visual echo of Rupi Kaur's words, a tangible expression of my healing journey.  

My art became a visual ode to the poet who had helped me find my way back to myself.

Embracing the Journey: My Path to Healing

Rupi kaur poetry; Cus the two of us combined could set it on fire
Original art by Author

This experience taught me that healing isn't linear. 

It's a messy, often painful process that requires surrender and a willingness to face our darkness. 

But in the depths of our pain, we can find unexpected sources of strength and healing.

If you're struggling with grief or any other emotional burden, remember:

  • You are not alone. Others have walked this path before you, and there are communities and resources to support you.

  • Healing is possible. It may not be easy, but it is within your reach. Rupi Kaur's "Healing Through Words" can be a guiding light on your journey.

  • Your body is a wise guide. Listen to its whispers and honor its needs.

  • Creative expression can be a powerful healing tool. Allow yourself to explore different forms of expression to find what resonates with you.

This is your sacred pilgrimage of Soul, a journey of self-discovery and healing. 

Embrace it with an open heart and trust that you are not alone.

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