The sufi poetry of Maulana Rumi reminds us that we are all one, and it helps us remember that love is our true nature. What does a bridge do? It enables us to cross over from one place to another. It helps us get where we want to go, and it also reminds us that we are not separate from the world around us.
It helps us get from point A to point B. It can connect two people, or it can connect two communities that have been separated. When we read Rumi's poems, we feel like we are on a bridge. We are being reminded of our connection with all things—both seen and unseen. It connects one side of something to another. A bridge helps us cross from one side to the other. It gives us freedom, and it helps us get where we want to go. It connects two separate places. and it helps us move forward with less resistance.
Rumi was born in 1207 in Balkh (now Afghanistan) and studied at the University of Nishapur. After spending some time in Mecca, he moved to Konya where he established a religious school that attracted thousands of followers from all over the world. His poetry is about love and humanity as well as being a bridge to the soul; it has been translated into 40 languages including English by Coleman Barks who has also written commentaries on Rumi's work which are widely read today across America.
"I am the bridge. I am the friend, the lover. I know how to mix the drink of existence, how to sweeten and spice it with a touch of humanity. Come, come into me. Rest here awhile. Three days and nights you'll be here; we shall not part till then." Maulana Rumi's book Masnavi.
In "I am the bridge," Maulana Rumi speaks directly to the human heart:
"I am the bridge. I am the friend, the lover. I know how to mix the drink of existence, how to sweeten and spice it with a touch of humanity."
The human heart is often the source of our problems, but it is also the solution. By helping us to see ourselves clearly,the poetry of Maulana Rumi shows us how to use the tools we have within us to overcome whatever stands in our way. Rumi's poetry is a celebration of life, love and friendship. He uses metaphors and imagery to convey his feelings about God, nature and the human condition.

"Come, come into me. Rest here awhile."
The human heart is the centre of our being; it provides us with life and sustenance. The heart knows what we need to know in each moment, and the poet invites us to listen:
"Rest here awhile."
In this poem, Maulana Rumi invites us into his world--a world where emotion is not only welcome but necessary; where our feelings are not always rational; where we can express ourselves without fear of judgment or condemnation. In essence, Rumi's message is that we should embrace our humanity fully rather than try to suppress it out of fear or embarrassment over what others might think about us if we were honest about what was going on inside us.
O beloved, if you find yourself in a dark place, do not worry about it; for that moment is like a springtime rain that causes the flowers to grow.
'O beloved, if you find yourself in a dark place, do not worry about it; for that moment is like a springtime rain that causes the flowers to grow'. From the poetry of Maulana Rumi

And just as the rain passes, and the sun shines again, so does your sorrow pass, and happiness come again to you. So, do not worry about your moments of sorrow, for they are temporary and passing; but instead embrace them and learn from them. In those moments when we feel most alone and abandoned by others, we must remember that God has not forsaken us and that He is always with us.
His poetry is considered by many to be some of the most beautiful ever written by human beings:
"The whole world is a garden, And the soil is rich and black. The gardener is wise and humble, And all he does is for your sake."
this poem about Rumi's love for humanity
Rumi's love is universal. His poems speak to the soul in all of us, regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs. This poem is a beautiful example of that:
"He loves the world so much that he wants everyone to love God."
"When you open your heart and feel it beating with mine, then you will know my secret joy."
When you're feeling down, remember this poem. It will help you realize that there are many ways to find comfort in life and love for yourself and humanity.

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