As a beginner you must ask what is included in the Calligraphy Starter Kit?
The Creative Calligraphy Starter kit includes hand made Bamboo pens, a pot of best quality black ink, smooth calligraphy paper and some practice tracing worksheets.
Dipping bamboo pen
in ink gives you the feel of doing something traditional.
The ink is water based; you can create gradations of colour with brush or spray to create beautiful effects.
What are the different kinds of Calligraphy Starter Kits[ Sets?
Calligraphy can be done with different kinds of pens. Most popular are felt tip pens with nibs and brush tips. For Arabic calligraphy traditional wooden or bamboo pens are the best. You can try several mediums to write as you progress on your calligraphy journey. The basics are included in our Calligraphy Starter Kit.

What pens are best for beginners Calligrapher?
As a beginner one must write with wood/ bamboo pens to get the feel and hang of writing. Cartridge ink pens, Steel nib dip pens , Quill pens all can be used for Calligraphy writing.

Is this calligraphy set worth buying?
Absolutely! As hobbyist, beginners, learners you will love our Calligraphy box. The Calligraphy box is an art experience in itself where you are covered with everything you need, without wasting your time on researching for the necessary tools to get started.
Buy Now on Shop page and take 25% off on your Calligraphy Starter Kit today. Our products come with the best return and refund policy.